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GitHub Pages is a web hosting service offered by GitHub for hosting static web pages for GitHub users, user blogs, project documentation, or even whole books. It is integrated with the Jekyll software for static web site and blog generation. The Jekyll source pages for a web site can be stored on GitHub as a Git repository, and when the repository is updated, github servers will automatically regenerate the site. GitHub Pages was launched in late 2008. As with the rest of GitHub, it includes both free and paid tiers of service, instead of being supported by web advertising. Web sites generated through this service are hosted either as subdomains of the domain, or as custom domains bought through a third-party domain name registrars.

Steps for setup:

  • Fork this repository.
  • Update repository name to <user_name>
  • Customize _config.yml to match user credentials.
  • In _includes/comments.html edit disqus_shortname.
  • Update index.html bio.
  • Commit the changes.
  • Done!

This site is build on top of the customizations by psteadman on lanyon theme which derives from poole. Head over to the post Using Jekyll, Poole and Lanyon to setup my github user page for further references.



Github Pages - Wikipedia
Using Jekyll, Poole and Lanyon to setup my github user page

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